Cloning Pets
Ever wanted an exact copy of your favorite pet? Well, now it’s possible – but is it smart?
Most pet owners have suffered the loss of a very dear and special pet. And while owners would like to keep their dear friend with them forever, very few would actually go so far as to entertain the idea of cloning.
Stem Cell Relief
More than 15 million dogs in North America suffer some form of degenerative joint disease, better known as arthritis. Unfortunately, many dog owners are unaware of the pain their pet is experiencing, chalking up the slow movement to the effects of “old age.”
Some dogs may receive daily doses of
Down & Dirty on Fleas
Many of us enjoy snuggling close to our pets and despite misguided news reports detailing health risks, most of us will continue to do so.
But, there is a risk of sleeping with pets and it has to do with diseases carried by our old enemy, the flea. So, what’s the best way to shut down this annual pest?
Pet Shop
A pet shop is a place where dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, reptiles, rodents, fish, and other animals not born and raised on those premises are kept for the purpose of sale to the public. While many people are very satisfied with the pets they acquire from pet stores, critics of pet stores argue that there