
Preparing Your Pet for the Winter

This winter, while you curl up next to the fire with a cozy blanket, a good book and some hot chocolate, don’t forget about your pet! Winter can play it rough with your pet and you have to look out for his health and well-being. Here are some preparations you should make to help your pet prepare for

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Managing Food Allergies with an Elimination Diet

Food allergies are the third most common allergy that affects dogs and cats, outranked only by fleabites and inhaled allergens (e.g., pollen). Allergies to common food ingredients are also on the rise and now account for at least 30% of all allergy cases. Unfortunately for many pets, the most common

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Hypothyroidism is the natural deficiency of thyroid hormone and is the most common hormone imbalance of dogs. This deficiency is produced by several different mechanisms. The most common cause (at least 95% of cases) is immune destruction of the thyroid gland. It can also be caused by natural atrophy

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Your Big Dog May Be More Likely to Develop These Health Problems

Big dogs can have equally big health problems. Find out what conditions and diseases typically affect larger dogs.

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Home Dental Care

Home dental care for your cat or dog has the same goal as home dental care for yourself, to remove dental plaque. Plaque is the sticky, whitish film with the bad taste and offensive odor that accumulates inside the mouth. Plaque is about 85% bacteria and will mineralize to form tartar. Plaque accumulation

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How to Keep Your Cat from Getting Fat

A fat cat may appear happy and provide visitors with a source of amusement, but feline obesity is certainly no laughing matter. Cats who carry excess weight have a heightened risk for diabetes, cancer, liver problems, degenerative joint pain and other conditions that could severely curtail its quality

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Battling Canine Cancer

Every day, Cindy Fleischner lines up her crew of cuddly canines for breakfast. As the four other dogs eat, Cindy pulls Katy, her 12 year old Shepherd mix aside for a peanut butter treat. Katy is battling lymphoma and this treat hides her daily dose of chemotherapy drugs. Katy is not alone in this war.

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Microchipping Your Pet

Each year, nearly 8 million animals end up in local shelters. Of those 8 million pets, data shows that less than 20 percent of lost dogs and less than 2 percent of missing cats are ever returned to their original owners.
Thankfully, there are some useful tools available to help pet owners who have lost

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Teaching Your Child to Care For Their First Pet

Is a new pet in your family’s future? These tips will help your child learn pet care essentials.

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